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Submission to the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

The Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology welcomes cutting-edge oral and maxillofacial surgery studies.

Documents for Submission

  1. Cover Letter (download template).

  2. Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (download template).

  3. Consent for Taking and Publishing Photographs (download template).

  4. Manuscript (PDF/MS Word file).

  5. Images from Figures and/or Videos (as a separate files). Video is encouraged with your article.

  • Sent 4 documents + separate images/video files to the Editorial Office e-mail:

  • For article submission to the Section Images direct your manuscript to the e-mail of Section Editor Dr. Mosquera:

Case Reports: Here you can download (PDF) the CARE Checklist of information to include when writing a Case Report.

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet a scope and aimes of the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology will be reviewed.

Peer Review Process

  • The journal employs “double blind” reviewing.

After submission to Editorial Office/Managing Editor the peer review process consist of 5 steps:

  1. Peer reviewers selected by clinical expertise.

  2. Reviewers' comments received by Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor.

  3. Initial decision sent to authors.

  4. Revised manuscript reviewed by Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor to ensure that reviewer's suggestions have been addressed. On occasion, the original reviewers also review the revised manuscript.

  5. Final decision sent to author and at the same time requested to pay an article processing charge (Table 1). Following payment of this fee, the article will be made universally available at no further charge through

Guide For Authors

Here you can download Guide for Authors (PDF)

The Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology is a fully open access journal. Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology shares the distinctive features of open access journals, including:

  • Open access journals are peer-reviewed publications, publishing selectively only those articles that pass peer review requirements of their respective editorial boards.

  • Offer content via online-delivered publication modality (with a print option).

  • Charge no subscription fees; are free and "open access" to any viewer.

  • Generate their primary revenue through article publishing charges (APCs).

  • APCs paid either by individual authors, or authors' institutions/grant funding bodies.

  • Generate secondary revenue with online advertising and commercial reprints.


TABLE 1. Article Publication Costs (Synonym: Article Processing Charge).

Tier Article Type Article Processing Charge
Tier 1
  • Case Report
  • Case Series
  • Original Article
  • Review Article
  • Technique
  • Viewpoint
  • Discussion
  • Pictorial Essay

530 Euro, excluding tax

($590 USD, excluding tax)

Tier 2
  • Images
  • Letter to the Editor

265 Euro, excluding tax

($295 USD, excluding tax)

The above pricing is valid until December 31, 2025.


Members of the Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine and the Kyiv Medical University are eligible for a discount of 50% off the open access publication fee.


Presubmission Inquiries

Authors may send to our editorial office (e-mail: the Presubmission Inquiry to learn about the suitability of proposed manuscripts or to propose article topics. The Journal Editor will generally respond by e-mail within one week.

Please include the following information in your Presubmission Inquiry letter:

  • Name

  • Institution

  • E-mail address