July 31, 2024
J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2024;8: 100283.
DOI: 10.23999/j.dtomp.2024.7.100283
Under a Creative Commons license
Fesenko II, Hermanchuk S, Maksymcha S, Ukharska O, Nozhenko OA. Certification of Ukrainian doctors of all eight stomatological specialties: Analysis of certification sheet, personal educational portfolio with continuing professional development results, and certificate. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2024 Jul;8(7):100283. https://doi.org/10.23999/j.dtomp.2024.7.100283
Certification of doctors-stomatologists (i.e., dentists) in Ukraine is a procedure that is not sufficiently covered in English-language articles. Understanding Ukrainian legislation in in matters of сertification is extremely important both for foreing colleagues and for stomatologists in Ukraine. The purpose of this paper is to present the original and translation of three main documents of the Procedure for Certification of Doctors of the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated February 22, 2019, No. 446 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated August 18, 2021, No. 1753). Namely, certification sheet, personal educational portfolio with continuing professional development (CPD) results, and certificate. Each of the documents is detailed. Document templates can be found in Appendices 1, 2, and 3 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 446, freely available on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Personal educational portfolio deserves special attention, in which the doctor who is undergoing certification must chronologically indicate the CPD activities for the past year, the place of their implementation, the duration or/and bibliographic reference and the number of accrued CPD points. Also, this document requires to indicate the number of medical services provided by doctor during the reporting period (except for the specialties specified in Appendix 5 to the Procedure for the Certification of Doctors and the specialty “Organization and Management of Health Care”). Another purpose of this article was to provide samples of certificates on the assignment and confirmation of qualification categories to doctors-stomatologists- surgeons. The presented certificates were issued by certification commissions at various health care bodies of Ukraine. Namely, at (1) the Department of Healthcare of the Kyiv Regional State Administration and (2) the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine. All three certificates were issued in 2021.
Stomatologist; maxillofacial surgeon; certification, certification sheet; personal educational portfolio with continuing professional development (CPD) results; certificate.
Certification of doctors-stomatologists (i.e., dentists) in Ukraine [1] is a procedure that is not sufficiently covered in the English-language publications. Understanding Ukrainian legislation in this matter is extremely important both for colleagues from the European Union (EU) [2, 3] and for stomatologists in Ukraine. Several of our previous publications have partially disclosed the issue of certification [4, 5]. Certification includes the calculation of points for continuing professional development (CPD) of doctors [6]. CPD of dentists is an important element of the dental legislation of many countries in Europe and the world, which continues to be improved [2, 3].
The purpose of this article is to translate and present three main documents of the Procedure for Certification of Stomatologists and Maxillofacial Surgeons of the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated February 22, 2019, No. 446 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine dated August 18, 2021, No. 1753) [1]. Also, the purpose of this article is to provide samples of certificates on the assignment and confirmation of qualification categories to doctors-stomatologists-surgeons.
Templates of three important documents for the certification of dentists in Ukraine are included as Appendices 1, 2, and 3 to the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine of February 22, 2019, No. 446 “Some issues of continuing professional development (CPD) of doctors” [1]. These three documents are (1) certification sheet, (2) personal educational portfolio with CPD results, and (3) certificate [1].Order No. 446 is with changes introduced in accordance with the Orders of the Ministry of Healthcare:(1) No. 1106 dated 12.05.2020, (2) No. 74 dated 19.01.2021, (3) No. 1753 dated 18.08.2021, (4) No. 520 dated 24.03.2022, (5) No. 1640 dated 09.09.2022, and (6) No. 1555 dated 31.08.2023 [1].
The documents described below are presented in the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine of February 22, 2019, No. 446 “Some issues of continuing professional development (CPD) of doctors” [1] in Ukrainian. Therefore, we provide a literal translation of each of them:
Certification sheet (Appendix 1 to the Procedure for Certification of Doctors [Subparagraph 2 of Clause 2 of Chapter III, Subparagraph 2 of Clause 2 of Chapter IV]) is presented in Figure 1.
Personal educational portfolio with CPD results (Appendix 2 to the Procedure for Certification of Doctors [Subparagraph 4 of Clause 2 of Chapter III, Subparagraph 4 of Clause 2 of Chapter IV])is highlighted in Figure 2.
Certificate (Appendix 3 to the Procedure for Certification of Doctors [Clause 14 of Chapter III]) is illustrated in Figure 3.
Certification Sheet
The certification sheet contains two sections, basic information about the doctor undergoing certification and decision of the certification commission. First section includes (1) doctor’s surname, first name, patronymic (if available), (2) year of birth, (3) education (name of the institution of higher education, faculty, year of graduation), (4) place of work, (5) position held at the time of certification, (6) The number of continuing professional development points (for the period since the previous certification), and (7) work experience in the specialty. The second section of the sheet includes (1) name of the health care body or institution of higher medical education at which the certification commission meets, (2) decision of the commission on assigning or confirming the category to a specific citizen (indicating the title of a specialist doctor and the name of the category), (3) the name of the specialty according to the Nomenclature of medical specialties, and (4) signatures of the chairman and members of the commission.
Personal Educational Portfolio with CPD Results for the Specific Year
It includes (1) doctor’s surname, first name, patronymic (if available), (2) place of work, (3)position held, (4) contact details (phone, email address), (5) type of CPD activity, (6) venue of CPD activity, (7) date/duration of CPD activity, (8) number of assigned CPD points, (9) information about personal achievements, (10) the number of medical services provided during the reporting period (except for the specialties specified in Appendix 5 to the Procedure for the Certification of Doctors and the specialty “Organization and Management of Health Care”), (11) signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if available) of the doctor, and (12) signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if available) of the head of the health care institution.
Each certificate includes (1) place for the doctor’s photography, (2) doctor’s surname, first name, patronymic (if available), (3) date when he (she) underwent certification at the certification commission at specific health care body, (4) date and number of order, (5) information about assignment/confirmation of a qualification category in the specialty (the name of the specialty according to the Nomenclature of Medical Specialties), (6) signature, surname, first name, patronymic (if available) of the head of the health care body and certification commission, and (7) a place for the date until which the certificate is valid and a place for the possibility of two further certifications.
Figures 4–6 show a comparison of the certificates issued to different doctors by certification comissions at different healthcare bodies. The difference between presented certificates is also in the assignment or confirmation of the category.
FIGURE 4. This certificate contains information on the confirmation of the higher qualification category in the specialty “Surgical Stomatology” (also known as “Oral Surgery”) in 2021. The certificate shows that Oleksandr Nozhenko underwent certification at the certification commission under the Department of Healthcare of the Kyiv Regional State Administration. The latest confirmation of the category (i.e., the certificate) is valid until April 21, 2026. The document is signed by the Head of the Healthcare Body and the Chairman of the Certification Commission. Certificate is in the Ukrainian language.
FIGURE 5. This certificate contains both information on the assignment of the higher qualification category in the specialty “Surgical Stomatology” in 2011 and on two consecutive confirmations of the highest category in 2015 and in 2021. The certificate shows that Serhii Maksymcha underwent certification at the certification commission under the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine. The latest confirmation of the category (i.e., the certificate) is valid until May 6, 2026. The document is signed by the Head of the Healthcare Body and the Chairman of the Certification Commission.Certificate is in the Ukrainian language.
FIGURE 6. Certificate of assignment of a qualification category in the specialty “Surgical Stomatology.” The certificate shows that Ievgen Fesenko underwent certification on April 30, 2021, at the certification commission under the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine. By Order of May 6, 2021, No. 885 according to the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, he was assigned for the first time a higher qualification category. The document is signed by the Head of the Healthcare Body and the Chairman of the Certification Commission. The certificate is valid until May 6, 2026. Certificate is in the Ukrainian language.
The Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine No. 446 applies to all eight stomatologicalspecialties in Ukraine [5, 7]. All types of CPD [4] that the doctor underwent during the specified period are included in the personal educational portfolio with CPD results. According to the Order No. 446, 10 different types of CPD activities are recognized as such activities [1, 4]. Among them are formal and informal education [1, 4]. The largest number of CPD points per year is awarded for obtaining educational and scientific levels of higher education in the field of knowledge “Healthcare” (Doctor of Philosophy [PhD], Doctor of Science [ScD]) [4]. Since maxillofacial surgery, being one of the stomatological specialties, continues to actively develop in Ukraine, the documentation analyzed in this paper is extremely important for maxillofacial surgeons as well [8, 9]. These three documents presented in this publication symbolize the Ukrainian version of CPD and certification in Ukraine [10], which is an important information supplement to the analysis of other European dental legislation [11]. Moreover, the three certificates presented in this article give a good idea of this type of document issued in Ukraine. All three certificates were issued to different doctors and indicate the assignment or confirmation of a higher qualification category in “Surgical Dentistry” specialty. Stomatologists in Ukraine can obtain the second qualification category after more than five years of professional activity (including the years/year of internship) [12]. The first qualification category can be obtained after more than seven years of practical activity, and the higher category – after more than 10 years [12].
A detailed translation and analysis of three key documents of the Procedure for Certification of Doctors from the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine of February 22, 2019, No. 446 “Some Issues of CPD of Doctors” help colleagues from other countries to understand in detail the forms of these documents and better understand the legislation on the certification of stomatologists in Ukraine.
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Ievgen I. Fesenko: Conceptualization; writing – original draft. Serhii Hermanchuk: Conceptualization; writing – review and editing. Serhii Maksymcha, Oksana Ukharska, Oleksandr Nozhenko: Review and editing.
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Атестація лікарів-стоматологів в Україні є процедурою, яка недостатньо висвітлена в англомовних публікаціях. Розуміння українського законодавства в питаннях атестації є надзвичайно важливим як для іноземних колег, так і для стоматологів України. Метою даної роботи є представлення оригіналу і перекладу трьох основних документів Порядку проведення атестації лікарів згідно Наказу Міністерства охорони здоров’я (МОЗ) України від 22 лютого 2019 р. № 446 (із змінами, внесеними наказом МОЗ України від 18 серпня 2021 р. № 1753). А саме, атестаційного листка, особистого освітнього портфоліо з результатами безперервного професійного розвитку (БПР) та посвідчення про присвоєння відповідної категорії. Деталізовано кожен із документів. Шаблони документів знаходяться у додатках 1, 2, та 3 до Наказу МОЗ України № 446 у вільному доступі на офіційному сайті Верховної ради України. Особливої уваги вартує особисте освітнє портфоліо, в якому лікарю, який проходить атестацію, необхідно хронологічно вказати за минулий рік заходи БПР, місце їхнього проведення, тривалість чи/та бібліографічне посилання та кількість нарахованих балів БПР. Також у цьому документі необхідно зазначити кількість медичних послуг, наданих лікарем за звітний період (окрім спеціальностей визначених у додатку 5 до Порядку проведення атестації лікарів та спеціальності «Організація і управління охороною здоров’я»). Також метою даної статті є надати зразки посвідчень про присвоєння та підтвердження кваліфікаційних категорій лікарям-стоматологам-хірургам. Представлені посвідчення були видані атестаційними комісіями при різних органах охорони здоров’я України. А саме, при (1) Департаменті охорони здоров’я Київської обласної державної адміністрації та (2) Міністерстві охорони здоров’я України. Всі три посвідчення є виданими в 2021 році.
Лікар-стоматолог; лікар-хірург щелепно-лицевий; атестація, атестаційний листок; особисте освітнє портфоліо з результатами безперервного професійного розвитку (БПР); посвідчення.