Editorial: The First Impact Factor of the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

Oleksii O. Tymofieieva, Ievgen I. Fesenkob more
a Oleksii O. Tymofieiev

Editor in Chief; Professor, Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kyiv Medical University, Private Higher Educational Establishment, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1807-2470

b Ievgen I. Fesenko

Managing Editor; Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kyiv Medical University, Private Higher Educational Establishment, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8901-1632. Corresponding author’s address: Editorial office, JDTOMP, OMF Publishing, LLC. 13-A Simferopolska Street, office 121, Kyiv, 02096, Ukraine. E-mail: i.i.fesenko@dtjournal.org; y.fesenko@kmu.edu.ua Phone: +38 063 293 18 13

August 31, 2024

J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2024;8: 100297.

DOI: 10.23999/j.dtomp.2024.8.100297

Under a Creative Commons license


Tymofieiev OO, Fesenko II. Editorial: The first impact factor of the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2024 Aug;8(8):100297. https://doi.org/10.23999/j.dtomp.2024.8.100297 


The journal impact factor (JIF) is a measure that provides a ratio of citations to a journal in a given year to the citable items in the prior two years. The JIF has become a symbol and measure of a journal's prestige in the modern world of peer-reviewed publications. The difficulty and importance for a peer-reviewed journal to obtain an impact factor has been highlighted in numerous medical journals. Irving H. Sher and Eugene Garfield were the first to create the concept of the impact factor of a peer-reviewed journal. According to Eugene Garfield (2006), the JIF is based on two elements: the numerator, which is the number of citations in the current year to items published in the previous two years, and the denominator, which is the number of substantive articles and reviews published in the same two years. Scientists around the world may notice that as of 2024, the JIF is calculated not only by Clarivate, but also by exaly. Clarivate is known for being the company that calculates the JIF, using data from its Web of Science product family, that also includes services/applications such as Publons, etc. In this editorial, we will explain in more detail why the JIF is important both for the peer-reviewed journals published in Ukraine and for Ukrainian authors. Also, let's also explain how both the impact factor calculated by Web of Science and the impact factor calculated by exaly can be useful. The article presents the experience of the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology in assigning it an impact factor calculated by the exaly. The advantages for Ukrainian authors of publishing articles in the journals with an impact factor are presented. According to the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine of February 22, 2019, No. 446, publication of an article or review in a journal with an impact factor allows an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to be awarded 20 or 30 continuing professional development (CPD) points. The CPD points obtained are necessary for doctors to the annual review of their personal educational portfolio with CPD points, certification, confirmation or obtaining a new doctor’s category. In summary, the peer-reviewed journal that has received an impact factor automatically becomes a kind of provider of CPD activities for healthcare professionals, for which CPD points are awarded.


Peer-reviewed journal, scientific and professional publication, impact factor, open access, article, continuing professional development, article publishing charge


The journal impact factor (JIF) is a measure that provides a ratio of citations to a journal in a given year to the citable items in the prior two years [1]. The JIF has become a symbol and measure of a journal's prestige in the modern world of peer-reviewed publications. The difficulty and importance for a peer-reviewed journal to obtain an impact factor has been highlighted in numerous medical journals [2–6]. Irving H. Sher and Eugene Garfield were the first to create the concept of the impact factor of a peer-reviewed journal [7, 8]. According to Eugene Garfield (2006), the JIF is based on two elements: the numerator, which is the number of citations in the current year to items published in the previous two years, and the denominator, which is the number of substantive articles and reviews published in the same two years [7].


Scientists around the world may notice that as of 2024, the JIF is calculated not only by Clarivate [9, 10], but also by exaly [11]. Clarivate is known for being the company that calculates the JIF, using data from its Web of Science [12] product family, that also includes services/applications such as Publons, etc. [10].


Exaly is a non-profit project to address the absence of an open and comprehensive resource of scholarly literature and scientometric data [11]. They prefer to call it a project rather than an organization to avoid corporate interest [11]. As highlighted at their website, exaly provides almost all services by Google Scholar, Web of Science, Publons, Scopus, Crossref, and ResearchGate combined [11].


We will explain in more detail why the JIF is important both for the peer-reviewed journals published in Ukraine and for Ukrainian authors. Also, let's also explain how both the impact factor calculated by Clarivate and the impact factor calculated by exaly can be useful.


For Ukrainian journals, it is important to be included in the Web of Science database with an impact factor assigned to the journal, since such journals will be classified as category "A" of the List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine [13–16]. This List is formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine after the relevant certification of the peer-reviewed journal and is the List of scientific and professional publications of Ukraine in which the results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences, and Doctor of Philosophy may be published [13, 14]. This is like a requirement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for journals wishing to receive category "A" [13]. But there is also a requirement/option recommended by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, which is related to the crediting of continuing professional development (CPD) points for doctors when publishing an article in a journal with an impact factor [14]. Each author of the article published in a journal with impact factor is awarded CPD points according to the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine of February 22, 2019, No. 446 [17–19].


The criterion for calculating CPD points, which refers to informal education (type 2), indicates: "Publication of an article or review in a journal with an impact factor" allows a doctor to be awarded 20 CPD points if it is a domestic journal and 30 points if it is a foreign journal in one of the official languages ​​of the European Union [17, 18]. The bibliographic reference in this case serves as a supporting document [17, 18]. The CPD points obtained are necessary for oral and maxillofacial surgeons [20] to the annual review of their personal educational portfolio with CPD points, certification, confirmation or obtaining a new doctor’s category [21, 22].


Since Order No. 446 does not specify the impact factor assigned to the journal by any company/organization, the impact factor calculated by the exaly [11] can be considered as one that allows a doctor to be awarded CPD points for publication in a journal that has an impact factor assigned by the exaly.


In essence, a peer-reviewed journal that has received an impact factor automatically becomes a kind of provider of CPD activities for healthcare professionals, for which CPD points are awarded [18, 23]. There is no requirement to register a journal that has been assigned an impact factor as a provider of CPD activities.


Since its registration in 2016, the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology has evolved as a peer-reviewed scientific professional publication [24–26]. We believe that the accrual of an impact factor to our journal is a new important stage in the evolution of the publication. Thus, for publishing an article in our journal, each author is awarded 20 CPD points. This fact is noted on those article pages that contain summaries/abstracts in different languages.


Figure 1 beautifully demonstrates the journal page on the exaly website [27] with the corresponding impact factor in different periods of a 2024. Interestingly, the Otolaryngology CaseReports (OCR), journal published by Elsevier, also has an impact factor of 0.2. In the case of OCRjournal, which began publication a year earlier, the same impact factor (namely 0.2) is assigned by both Web of Science and exaly [28, 29]. The fact of such a coincidence may indicate the objectivity of the impact factor calculation by exaly. The article publishing charge (APC) in the OCR journal is 1,110 USD. Understanding the true and fair relationship between such achievement of open access journals as impact factor and the APC is important for implementing successful editorial and publishing policies [30].

The achievement of our beloved journal in obtaining the impact factor is reflected in the new gold stamp (Fig 2) created for the journal cover.

This accomplishment was made possible thanks to the titanic work of each author, reviewer, members of the editorial board, editorial and publishing staff, and most importantly, those authors who refer to our journal in other publications. We will be happy to make even more efforts to make the journal even more globally recognized and cited.


Oleksii Tymofieiev, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1807-2470

Ievgen Fesenko, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8901-1632


The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


Conceptualization and drafting of the manuscript: Ievgen I. Fesenko. Critical revision of the manuscript: Oleksii O. Tymofieiev. Approval of the final version of the manuscript: both authors.


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Редакційна стаття: перший імпакт-фактор «Журналу діагностики та лікування оральної і щелепно-лицевої патології»


Імпакт-фактору журналу (ІФЖ) – це показник, який визначає співвідношення цитувань журналу за певний рік до цитованих статей за попередні два роки. ІФЖ став символом і мірилом престижу журналу в сучасному світі рецензованих видань. Численні медичні журнали підкреслюють складність і важливість отримання імпакт-фактора рецензованим журналом. Ірвінг Шер і Юджин Гарфілд першими створили концепцію імпакт-фактора рецензованого журналу. Згідно з Юджином Гарфілдом (2006), ІФЖ базується на двох елементах: чисельнику, який є кількістю цитувань у поточному році матеріалів, опублікованих за попередні два роки, і знаменнику, який є кількістю основних статей і оглядів, опубліковані в ті ж два роки. Вчені з усього світу можуть помітити, що з 2024 року ІФЖ розраховується не лише Clarivate, а й exaly. Clarivate відома тим, що є компанією, яка розраховує ІФЖ, використовуючи дані з сімейства продуктів Web of Science, яке також включає такі служби/додатки, як Publons, тощо. У цій редакційній статті ми докладніше пояснимо, чому ІФЖ важливий як для рецензованих журналів, що видаються в Україні, так і для українських авторів. Крім того, давайте також пояснимо, чим імпакт-фактор, розрахований Web of Science, і імпакт-фактор, розрахований exaly, можуть бути корисними. У статті наведено досвід «Журналу діагностики та лікування оральної і щелепно-лицевої патології» щодо присвоєння імпакт-фактора, розрахованого за допомогою exaly. Представлено переваги для українських авторів від публікації статей у журналах з імпакт-фактором. Відповідно до наказу Міністерства охорони здоров’я України від 22.02.2019 р. № 446 публікація статті чи огляду в журналі з імпакт-фактором дозволяє лікарю-стоматологу-хірургу та щелепно-лицевому хірургу отримати 20 або 30 балів безперервного професійного розвитку (БПР). Отримані бали БПР необхідні лікарям для щорічної перевірки особистого освітнього портфоліо з балами БПР, атестації, підтвердження або отримання нової категорії кваліфікаційної категорії. Підсумовуючи, рецензований журнал, що отримав імпакт-фактор, автоматично стає свого роду провайдером заходів БПР для працівників сфери охорони здоров’я, за які нараховуються бали БПР.


Рецензований журнал, наукове фахове видання, імпакт-фактор, відкритий доступ, стаття, безперервний професійний розвиток, плата за публікацію статті