May 31, 2019
J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;3:A11.
Under a Creative Commons license
Monteiro JL, Fesenko II. Every hashtag matters: an importance of that Instagram tool in a life of the peer-reviewed journal. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;3(5):A11.
Every person matters.
—Tom Hanks as James Donovan in movie “Bridge of Spies”
Hashtag (ie, the # symbol)1 is a type of metadata tag used in the different social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. It was invented by Chris Messina in 2007, when he proposed to use hashtag in Twitter with a purpose to group and easily find posts with a specific content/theme. Scientific journals from different specialties with high Impact Factor are also paying a great attention to the role of hashtags in their journals` media accounts lifes.1, 2
The DTJournal`s first Instagram-related international collaboration started in 2017, during the 23rd International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Hong Kong. Using in DTJournal`s account the hashtag #icoms2017 (which included 164 posts) two participants of the event Dr. Monteiro and Dr. Fesenko began a productive conversation dedicated to submission of a case report article.3 Which was successfully published (Fig) in the nearest issue.
So, an Editorial`s message to the colleagues is very clear: Do not regret the time to use hashtags in all kind of scientific, communicative or marketing purposes.