February 28, 2019
J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2021;3:A16.
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Tymofieiev OO. Journal`s award in 2018: Andrii V. Kopchak, ScD, professor. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;3(2):A16.
Leadership is unlocking potential people`s potential to become better.
─Bill Bradley
USA senator & former professional basketball player
Andrii V. Kopchak, Doctor of Medical Sciences (ScD), Professor serves in the Bogomolets National Medical University as:
Professor, Department of Dentistry, Institute of Postgraduate Education.
Director, Dental Medical Center.
Also Dr. Kopchak does his best as a Director in the Center of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry, Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital. From 2019 Dr. Kopchak headed a Kyiv Branch of the Association of Dentists of Ukraine.
With a whole editorial staff we are more than grateful for an amazing assistance to the Journal that Dr. Kopchak (Fig) does not only with the inspiring articles (co-authors: Romanova and Mykhailenko),1 (Hresko, Chernohorskyi, and Vereshchagin)2 but also in his work at a position of Section Editor─Osteosynthesis of Facial Bones from the Issue 3─4, 2017.
So, we feel so humbled when we gave the Journal`s honorary plaque to Professor Kopchak. But we find the next words: “For the unique skills in organization of OMS meetings, uniting and educating the new generations of surgeons sincere thanks and appreciation.”
Oleksii O. Tymofieiev, ScD, Professor
Kyiv, Ukraine
Email: tymofeev@gmail.com
Kopchak AV, Romanova AY, Mykhailenko OV. Detection of titanium particles in soft tissues adjacent to the fixators in patients with facial fractures and bone defects. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2018;2(1):25−42. Crossref
Hresko AS, Chernohorskyi DM, Vereshchagin SV, Kopchak AV. Endovascular embolization of facial artery pseudoaneurysm following lancing of a subperiosteal abscess: case report. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;3(1):18−26. Crossref