April 30, 2019
J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;3:110–30.
Under a Creative Commons license
Tymofieiev OO. 1st International Scientific Congress of the Azerbaijan Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: 14–16 March 2019 – Baku – Azerbaijan. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;3(4):110−30.
Contents: Article | Introduction | Event Presentation | Conclusion of the Event | References (2)
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow
─Ronald E. Osborn
British-Canadian executive
1st founding International Scientific Congress dedicated to oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) in Baku became a beautiful act of creation of the Azerbaijan Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Link. Baku is a capital city-diamond with the coastline along the wonderful Caspian Sea (Fig 1). In last years, Baku has firmly established itself as very popular business and tourist destination.1 Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan is 9.8 million people (Fig 2). Chingiz R. Rahimov a President of the Azerbaijan Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons has done an incredible work with his team and organizers, making the event en extremely glorious.
The Congress was highly professional supported by International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Link and European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery Link. The modern Baku Convention Center, in which the Congress was organized, strongly impressed all the visitors with its` beauty, high comfort and dimensions. Impressed with a 94 m2 lecture light-emitting diode (LED) monitor and a largest indoor LED screen with a high resolution of 405 m2 is installed in the lobby (Fig 3) of the Center, which makes it a unique construction not only for Baku, but also for the world arena.1 So, the speakers and participants have a possibility to enjoy the greatest digital comfort sharing their knowledge.
The structure of the Committees consists of President of the Society, Secretary of the Society, Executive Director of the Society, Chairman of the Congress, Secretaries of the Congress, Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee, and a Technical Secretariat.2
The famous speakers from at least 14 countries were invited with next purposes: 1) to have the truly hot discussions with opinion leaders, 2) to make the event truly international, and 3) to establish a modern tradition in that truly beautiful region. The intensive Program of the Congress (Fig 4) includes 135 scientific-research works.2 A Several masterclasses were also performed: Digital Dental Implantology, Microscope-aided Dentistry, and Aesthetic Medicine.
Taking into account the huge importance of the meeting a Ministry of Healthcare of Republic of Azerbaijan appreciated the Congress with high 24 credit points.2
FIGURE 3A. Baku Convention Center. Place where the Congress was held. (A) The title of the Congress depicted at the monitor is in English. This largest indoor LED monitor with a high resolution of 405 m2 is installed in the lobby of the Center, which makes it a unique construction not only for Baku, but also for the world arena.1
So, after initiating the tradition of the holding such a great international scientific congress in Azerbaijan the mind gave us next highly positive thoughts:
Distinguished speakers from at least 14 countries2 are more than welcomed.
Invitation of the famous speakers and big amount of visitors (Figs 5-18) from all neighboring countries made that event unique in that particular geographic area and helps to grow the reputation of the Congress as a new scientific project.
Beauty, comfort of the center in which the scientific event was performed, significantly improves the lever of the meeting and can be highly recommended for the future organizers of the OMS meetings in other regions.
A new international scientific tradition significantly helps to build strong connections of the OMS Society with representatives from different countries.
High 24 credit points made this Congress extremely important for the specialization renewal.
I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.
Greek philosopher
Oleksii O. Tymofieiev, Editor in Chief
Kyiv, Ukraine
email: tymofeev@gmail.com
Brochure of the 1st international scientific congress of the Azerbaijan society of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Baku, Azerbaijan 2019.
Scientific program book: 1st international scientific congress of the Azerbaijan society of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Baku, Azerbaijan 2019.