November 30, 2024
J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2024;8: 100299.
DOI: 10.23999/j.dtomp.2024.11.100299
Under a Creative Commons license
Fesenko II. Editorial: The National Repository of Academic Texts and the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2024 Nov;8(11):100299.
Editorial teams with their publishers of all peer-reviewed journals in the world dream and strive to include journals in as many databases as they can. Journals that were "born" in Ukraine must go through their path of self-affirmation first on the Ukrainian scientific market, and then, or even in parallel, in the international academic world. One of the key factors in the recognition by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of a peer-reviewed publication as a scientific professional publication of category "B" is the inclusion of this publication (1) in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and (2) in the National Repository of Academic Texts (NRAT). Peer-reviewed publications assigned category "A" or "B" are included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences (ScD) may be published. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the aspects of including the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (JDTOMP) in the NRAT and the process of depositing articles. "Proclamation (i.e., Regulations) on the National Repository of Academic Texts" was approved by Decree No. 541 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 19, 2017. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 25, 2017, No. 1421 "On the Manager of the NRAT," the Manager of the NRAT is the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information." The article lists the areas of responsibility of the NRAT Manager. Also, a complete list of academic texts that can be accepted into the NRAT is provided. For clarity, both the article of our journal deposited in the NRAT and the step-by-step illustrated mechanism for depositing articles are presented. In the modern publishing world, increasing the prestige of a journal and getting into the top-rated databases is impossible without the journal's gradual colonization of both institutional and national repositories. Broadly speaking, open access repositories are key to the ability not only of institutions but also of journals to respond to future needs for more dynamic cross‐boundary communications services, articles dissemination and editorial collaboration.
Open access, repository, National Repository of Academic Texts, database, article, peer-reviewed journal, scientific professional publication
Editorial teams and publishers of all peer-reviewed journals in the world dream and strive to include journals in as many databases as they can [1]. Journals that were born in Ukraine must go through their path of self-affirmation first on the Ukrainian scientific market, and then, or even in parallel, on the international market.
One of the key factors in the recognition by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of a peer-reviewed publication as a scientific professional publication of category "B" is the inclusion of this publication (1) in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and (2) in the National Repository of Academic Texts (NRAT) [2-4]. Peer-reviewed publications assigned category "A" or "B" are included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences (ScD) may be published [5].
In the previous article, we described our experience of including the Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (JDTOMP) in the VNLU [6]. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the aspects of including the JDTOMP in the NRAT and the process of depositing articles.
The functioning of the NRAT is regulated by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Proclamation (i.e., Regulations) on the National Repository of Academic Texts was approved by Decree No. 541 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 19, 2017 [7, 8].
The Manager of the NRAT is a legal entity designated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which directly ensures the functioning of the NRAT in accordance with the Regulations on the NRAT, the Rulings of the NRAT and decisions adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine [8].
According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated October 25, 2017, No. 1421 "On the Manager of the NRAT," the Manager of the NRAT is the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information" [8].
The Manager of the NRAT provides [8, 9]:
Functioning of the NRAT.
Accumulation, preservation, systematization, reproduction, publication and distribution in electronic format of academic texts and other related data, which are published in Ukraine or originate from Ukraine, provided for by the Regulations and these Regulations.
Monitoring the receipt of academic texts to the National Repository and providing information on the use of its resources.
Formation and provision of open access to the register of academic texts presented in the NRAT, as well as academic texts in electronic form and related data placed under open access conditions.
Software interface for access to the central repository of institutional participants; information security and technical support of the central repository.
Conditions for the organization of checking academic texts for the presence of matches of text (letter and digital symbols) and graphic fragments.
Analytical processing of information.
Information support for the development of education, science and innovation through open access to open data contained in the NRAT.
Maximally complete presentation of academic texts provided by institutional participants in the global scientific and educational space.
Information integration with other databases, in particular open data resources of Ukraine and other states, databases of central executive bodies.
Support of the policy of open science and open access and the necessary conditions to encourage publishers and rights holders to transfer academic texts in electronic form and other related data and remove (partially or completely) access restrictions to them for visitors and users of the NRAT.
The Manager of the NRAT is responsible for the preservation of descriptive, bibliographic information, academic texts in electronic form and other related data transferred to the central repository, as well as for ensuring access to them for visitors and users in accordance with the regime determined by the institutional participant.
The following academic texts are included in the NRAT [10]:
Dissertations for academic degrees and dissertation abstracts.
Qualifying final theses of higher education graduates.
Articles in scientific publications, including all articles (collection of articles) based on the defense of which a scientific degree was awarded.
Monographs, including those based on the defense of which a scientific degree was awarded.
Scientific publications.
Reports in the field of scientific and scientific and technical activity.
Deposited scientific works.
textbooks, teaching aids and other scientific and educational and methodological works.
Publications posted by authors on Internet platforms for the exchange of scientific publications.
The images of the Figure 1 clearly demonstrate example of the deposited article [11] of the JDTOMP in the NRAT. Each article is assigned a unique number and link (for example:
FIGURE 1A. A sample of a JDTOMP article (A, B) [11] that was deposited to NRAT using the media platform of the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information." Article registration number: 2023U000203. The PDF file of the paper can also be downloaded from this article page in the NRAT.
FIGURE 1B. A sample of a JDTOMP article (A, B) [11] that was deposited to NRAT using the media platform of the State Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information." Article registration number: 2023U000203. The PDF file of the paper can also be downloaded from this article page in the NRAT.
The NRAT provides open access to users to the information contained in it, in particular to the register of academic texts, as well as their electronic versions and other related data placed on open access terms, through the official web portal of the National Repository, which has the domain name [10].
The mechanism for depositing articles in the NRAT is given below:
The first step to include journal articles in the NRAT is for the publisher to first send an application to the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information ( [12] for creating a page for the scientific publication in the Register of Scientific Publications of Ukraine ( [13]. It will be necessary to provide documents on state registration, the ISSN number, etc. Initially, the journal will be listed as a "non-professional" publication.
After creating a journal’s profile [14], the publisher enters into an annual agreement with the Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information for the further possibility of entering all journal-related data and depositing articles in the NRAT. Agreement for the provision of services for the creation, organization of access and ongoing support of a personal electronic account of a scientific publication (i.e. peer-reviewed journal).
Next, through the personal electronic account of the scientific publication, data and content of the issue (title page, table of contents and each article separately) are deposited.
When depositing each article, it is necessary to deposit some mandatory data, and some data can be deposited if desired or possible. Figure 2 shows the items that can be filled in when depositing an article [15]. It is worth noting the inclusion of an Abstract of the article. The importance of having an Abstract for all types of articles was highlighted in one of our previous articles [16]. You can also deposit data for each review of the article and the reviewer's data, including academic degree, academic title, affiliation, Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) number, and the file of the review itself.
By clicking the "Send to NRAT" button, the article is deposited including the PDF file of the article.
Thus, depositing journal articles in the NRAT and the VNLU are one of the key requirements for journals wishing to undergo certification by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and receive category "B."
In the modern publishing world, increasing the prestige of a journal and getting into the top-rated databases is impossible without the journal's gradual colonization of both institutional [17, 18] and national [19] repositories. Broadly speaking, open access repositories are key to the ability not only of institutions but also of journals to respond to future needs for more dynamic cross‐boundary communications services, articles dissemination and editorial collaboration [20].
Of course, the process of including journal in the NRAT and depositing articles requires additional financial resources and the involvement of editorial and publishing specialists. Which, in turn, should be additionally included in the cost of publication of each article for journals with full open access and article publishing charges (APCs) [21]. But the increase in the APC is an investment that is converted for authors into a new higher scientific status of the publication with appropriate recognition by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, provided that all other requirements for scientific professional publications are met.
To commemorate the inclusion of our journal and its deposit in the NRAT, the editorial office, together with the publishing team, developed a unique silver stamp (Fig 3) that symbolizes this new achievement of the journal.
Developing a peer-reviewed journal is an inspiring but difficult task. However, it becomes easier if state institutions such as the NRAT are involved in this process. Therefore, we, as the editorial team of the JDTOMP, can recommend that other journals take advantage of the NRAT's capabilities and what they will provide in the future.
Ievgen Fesenko,
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Редакційна стаття: Національний репозиторій академічних текстів і «Журнал діагностики та лікування оральної і щелепно-лицевої патології»
Редакційні команди зі своїми видавцями всіх рецензованих журналів у світі мріють і прагнуть включити журнали до якомога більшої кількості баз даних. Журнали, які «народилися» в Україні, мають пройти свій шлях самоствердження спочатку на українському науковому ринку, а потім, чи навіть паралельно, в міжнародному академічному світі. Ключовими факторамивизнання Міністерством освіти і науки України рецензованого видання науковим фаховим виданням категорії «Б» є включення цього видання (1) до Національної бібліотеки України імені В. І. Вернадського та (2) в Національний репозитарій академічних текстів (НРАТ). Рецензованим видання яким присвоюється категорія «А» чи «Б» включаються до переліку наукових фахових видань України, в яких можуть публікуватися результати дисертацій на здобуття наукових ступенів доктора філософії і доктора наук. Метою даної статті є висвітлення аспектів включення «Журналу діагностики та лікування оральної і щелепно-лицевої патології» до НРАТ та процесу депонування статей. «Положення про Національний репозитарій академічних текстів» затверджено Постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 19 липня 2017 р. № 541. Згідно Наказу Міністерства освіти і науки України від 25 жовтня, 2017, № 1421 «Про розпорядника Національного репозитарія академічних текстів» розпорядником НРАТ є Державна наукова установа «Український інститут науково-технічної експертизи та інформації». У статті перераховані сфери відповідальності розпорядника НРАТ. Також подано повний перелік академічних текстів, які можуть бути прийняті до НРАТ. Для наочності подано як статтю нашого журналу, депоновану в НРАТ, так і покроковий ілюстрований механізм депонування статей. У сучасному видавничому світі підвищення престижу журналу та потрапляння до найпопулярніших баз даних неможливе без поступового заселення журналом як інституційних, так і національних репозитаріїв. Загалом кажучи, репозитарії відкритого доступу є ключовими для здатності не лише установ, але й журналів реагувати на майбутні потреби в більш динамічних транскордонних комунікаційних послугах, розповсюдженні статей і редакційній співпраці.
Відкритий доступ, репозитарій, Національний репозитарій академічних текстів, база даних, стаття, рецензований журнал, наукове фахове видання.