1st Kyiv Round Table Dedicated to TMJ Fractures Treatment (1st Kyiv TMJ Round Table): 27, 28 December 2018 – Kyiv – Ukraine

Ruslan A. Pavlenkoa, ... Ievgen I. Fesenkoc more
a Ruslan A. Pavlenko

Head, Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: pavlenkoruslankokl@gmail.com

b Anna Y. Romanova

Clinical Ordinator, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: nothpheratu@gmail.com Instagram: romanova_a.yu

c Ievgen I. Fesenko

PhD, Assistant Professor, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: i.i.fesenko@dtjournal.org Instagram: dr_eugenfesenko

January 31, 2019


J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;1–4.

Under a Creative Commons license


Pavlenko RA, Romanova AY, Fesenko II. 1st Kyiv Round Table Dedicated to TMJ Fractures Treatment (1st Kyiv TMJ Round Table): 27, 28 December 2018 – Kyiv – Ukraine. J Diagn Treat Oral Maxillofac Pathol 2019;3(1):1–4.


Contents: Article | Event Presentation | Conclusion of Event | References (8)





The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.

─Joseph Joubert

French moralist and essayist


I`m impressed with a big amount of open mind specialists in Kyiv.

–Professor Andreas Neff


1st Kyiv Round Table (RT) dedicated to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) fractures treatment was extremely successful. And it`s symbolic that initiative of Professor Kopchak A.V. and Associate Professor Chepurnii Y.V. to establish TMJ RT was supported by the world titan in the diagnostics and treatment of TMJ fractures–Dr. Andreas Neff (Marburg, Germany).


Andreas Neff, MD, DMD, PhD, FEBOMS, Univ. Prof. is a Head and Chairman in the Department of Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery, Oral Surgery and Implantology UKGM GmbH, University Hospital of Marburg & Medical Faculty, Philipps University Marburg [1].


Simultaneously Dr. Neff serves as:


  1. Coordinator TMJ surgery guidelines of the German Society of OMFS Surgeons (DGMKG);
  2. Section TMJ, SORG (Strasbourg Osteoynthesis Research Group);
  3. Head of the IBRA Educational Board (International Bone Research Association, Basle-CH).

Also, a huge amount of cutting-edge peer-reviewed articles in the journals like Journal of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery [2-4], Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction [5], American Journal of Otolaryngology [6], British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [7], etc. makes Dr. Neff as opinion world leader in area of TMJ fractures treatment. Special attention among numerous publications should be paid to the Chapter Surgical Treatment of Condylar Head Fractures in the textbook Fractures of the Mandibular Condyle: Basic Considerations and Treatment (editors–Kleinheinz J, Meyer C., 2009) (Fig 1) [8]. And of course one of the core papers is The Comprehensive AOCMF Classification System: Condylar Process Fractures – Level 3 Tutorial (2014) [5].

Event Presentation

Dr. Neff`s brilliant lecture Fractures of the Mandibular Condyle: Surgical Approaches, Strategy and Choosing Optimal Fixation Technique a day before the Round Table, at December 27, gathered a large number of visitors in the Bogomolets National Medical University. At first part of December 28 Dr. Neff performed a state-of-the-art masterclass in the operating room. Perfect timing, technique and academic principles upon TMJ surgery using retroauricular transmeatal approach are impressed all the colleagues.


So, finally, the TMJ Round Table (synonym: grand rounds [6]) happened in a warm atmosphere in Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital (Figs 2, 3) uniting the 19 professionals from 3 different universities and 6 different hospitals (Fig 4). Case reports, questions, hot disputes all that made the 1st Kyiv TMJ Round Table a so much needed event. “I`m impressed with a big amount of open mind specialists in Kyiv,” – Professor Neff summarized. But the one question is staying the most intriguing–how soon the 2nd TMJ RT will happen.


Conclusions of Event

The 1st Kyiv TMJ Round Table showed us how a state-of-the-art round table can and should be organized:


  1. Launching a new scientific meeting it`s a correct to build a meeting around the world the most famous opinion leader of the meetings topic;

  2. Key lecture and surgical masterclass before the round table increased understanding concepts of invited speakers and educated visitors for the new approaches;

  3. It is so important to invite a professionals of different generations and from different institutions for a versatile discussion;

  4. Democratic atmosphere of the meeting helps to uncover the possibility of diverse Round Table.

Ruslan A. Pavlenko,

Head, Maxillofacial Surgery Unit

Kyiv, Ukraine

Email: ruslan.pavlenko@gmail.com



Anna Yu. Romanova, Clinical Ordinator

Kyiv, Ukraine

Email: nothpheratu@gmail.com

Instagram: @romanova_a.yu



Ievgen I. Fesenko, PhD, Assistant Professor

Kyiv, Ukraine

Email: i.i.fesenko@dtjournal.org

Instagram: @dr_eugenfesenko


References (8)

  1. Andreas Neff. Available at: Link Access January 01, 2019.

  2. Neff A, Chossegros C, Blanc JL, Champsaur P, Cheynet F, Devauchelle B, Eckelt U, Ferri J, Gabrielli MF, Guyot L, Koppel DA, Meyer C, Müller B, Peltomäki T, Spallaccia F, Varoquaux A, Wilk A, Pitak-Arnnop P. Position paper from the IBRA Symposium on Surgery of the Head--the 2nd International Symposium for Condylar Fracture Osteosynthesis, Marseille, France 2012. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2014;42(7):1234–49. Crossref

  3. Hirjak D, Galis B, Beno M, Machon V, Mercuri LG, Neff A. Intraoperative arthroscopy of the TMJ during surgical management of condylar head fractures: a preliminary report. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2018;46(12):1989–95. Crossref

  4. Al-Moraissi EA, Ellis E, Neff A. Does encountering the facial nerve during surgical management of mandibular condylar process fractures increase the risk of facial nerve weakness? A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2018;46(8):1223–31. Crossref

  5. Neff A, Cornelius CP, Rasse M, Torre DD, Audigé L. The comprehensive AOCMF classification system: condylar process fractures – level 3 tutorial. Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstruction 2014;7(Suppl 1):S44–58. Crossref

  6. Pausch NC, Neff A, Dhanuthai K, Sirintawat N, Vorakulpipat C, Pitak-Arnnop P. Grand rounds: eyelid swelling after nose blowing. Am J Otolaryngol 2014;35(3):456–9. Crossref

  7. Loukota RA, Neff A, Rasse M. Nomenclature/classification of fractures of the mandibular condylar head. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010;48(6):477–8. Crossref

  8. Kleinheinz J, Meyer C. Fractures of the mandibular condyle: basic considerations and treatment. 1st ed. Berlin: Quintessence Publishing; 2009.